Jul 30Liked by Alexander J. Porter

The second one reminds me of the awful story of the woman who got caught stealth masturbating on the beach, the police were called on her, and she ended up being charged for sex offense and ultimately committing suicide after being unable to cope with the consequences and social shame.

People often don't appreciate how terrible criminal prosecution can be, especially for anything even smelling of sexuality. What should have resulted in no more than a fine and maybe a stern talking to ended up with lifetime sex offender registration on the table. And when you look into what that entails; how life-alteringly restrictive it is, I can completely understand the impulse towards suicide.

Had she felt able to hold on, it's possible that her attorney could have negotiated it down to some lesser charges which don't require sex offender registration. But when people are killing themselves because of a criminal prosecution, the prosecutorial system needs to be changed. Because these are not the results we should be seeking. This is not corrective. This is creating much more needless harm and suffering than the criminal act itself.

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Damn, I remember that story but I didn't know she killed herself!!!

That's super sad 😔

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Hahaha this made me subscribe (though I thought I already did?!). I totally agree with all 4, especially the last one.

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If there's someone who makes you feel bad for being you, I'll fight them! Short of that, I'll send my Dad to fight them. It's a pleasure to have you part of New World Porter 😃😃😃

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Let's team up to fight them, like Deadpool and Wolverine 😁 Glad to be here!

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Jul 30Liked by Alexander J. Porter

❤️ it.

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I'll just get you a voucher for Victoria's Secret, I can't handle the pressure of choosing something.

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Jul 31Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Haha. Sounds good lol.

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Aug 5Liked by Alexander J. Porter

I’ve also retired from all of the above. Onto more shenanigans to eventually retire from.

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Pre-planning your retirement shenanigans. I like the cut of your jib.

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Aug 5Liked by Alexander J. Porter

We must keep life interesting, mustn’t we?

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Aug 5Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Fellow cancer survivor and this had me loling. Thank you ☺️

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You're a member of the Cancer Club too! I'll look out for you at the next monthly meeting :)

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Aug 5Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Fantastic!! Looking forward to it 😉☺️

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Jul 31Liked by Alexander J. Porter

You really do know how to make me laugh.

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I love to hear it, brother!

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Jul 31Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Much to admire in this post, especially the baby's face and your long-running stint on The Office. Not a fan of shots of any kind 🔫💉🍶, I have an aversion to sand, and I got an ugly G-string for my 30th birthday. I would have preferred one that fits my violin. However, having been spared from cancer thus far, I will take your word for it that these things are worse.

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You sent me on a journey with your G-string/violin reference and I enjoyed every damn step.

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You played?

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Jul 31Liked by Alexander J. Porter

🤣🤣🤣🤣 thank you thank you thank you. This is awesome you so get it. I’m so grateful. Have a beautiful night.♥️♥️♥️

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Right back at you, Lisa!

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Jul 30Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Agree with you 100%!

Also, I will never have ANYTHING with sand in it!

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What about a SANDwich?

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Jul 31Liked by Alexander J. Porter

I'll go for that! 😂😂

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Jul 30Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Bottoms up. 😂😂 Shots are so toxic lmao. If you see me pushing shots BACK AWAY. 😂 Too old to get embroiled in that shit.

Thank you for the aggressive grinning throughout while reading. 😁

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I'm REAL close with my grandma, Megan. I'll just leave it at that.

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Jul 30Liked by Alexander J. Porter

A saying around the department I used to work in was that someone “had sand in their vag”. I sent a pic of me on the beach to my coworker who told me that, and…well you know.

She was laughing so hard when she told me, her driving was a little erratic. We started saying it about everybody. The irate and screaming dump truck driver on a job site. Me calmly writing my field notes, not even looking up “he must have sand” her collapsing laughing.

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I officially endorse this to be the expression of the year. If it's not, I'm starting a riot!!!

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Jul 30Liked by Alexander J. Porter

There are several body parts that don’t go well with sand. The mouth is one

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Makes a mockery of the word 'Sandwich'. I won't be making it with sand again.

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Omg. Literally yes to this whole list. All of them are so awful. Add sex in the shower (unless it's a sex shower) and sex in any body of water *gag*.

It's so funny because I'll drop 12 bucks on a joint but you would never catch me dropping that much on a shot, especially if I'm not at a Bachelorette party. Idk how or why people enjoy that.

I can't even buy lingerie on my own in a store lol gotta buy that shit on Shein 🤣 although, tbf, I think the only time I bought someone a gift like that was for a bridal shower 🤣

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Shein has the goods, you've got exceptional taste. And I'm with you, at least you can enjoy a joint at your leisure or with friends. It's very hard to share a shot with someone else 🤣

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Exactly!! So much more pleasurable 🤣

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Shein has the goods, you've got exceptional taste. And I'm with you, at least you can enjoy a joint at your leisure or with friends. It's very hard to share a shot with someone else 🤣

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I didn't realize Saskatoon even had a "blowjob queen".

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I'm usually against any form of monarchy, but I make an exception here.

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Jul 30Liked by Alexander J. Porter

I've never tried 1 & 2 but I've been a victim of getting a lingerie as a surprise gift. The worst gift I ever received. To make it even worse, he blurted out laughing when I wore it. I'd take a pack of gum as a surprise gift (which would be truly surprising) before a lingerie.

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His loss, that's what I say, Maryam. I'm with you, a good pack of gum goes a long way, haha.

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Jul 30Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Love this! 🥰

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Keep being your authentic self, Karen - whatever and whoever that looks like 😃

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