May 4Liked by Alexander J. Porter

In 2021, my wife was diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia. They say that it’s more manageable. She has been taking some meds ever since and her bloodwork is improving. The one thing that has kept us both going, is our firm belief that happiness is a choice. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It was my golden retriever moment today.

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I'm sorry to hear that, Cris. But absolutely over the moon it's a manageable form of leukemia that you can both work through. I know a few people with CLL living normal, healthy lives years after their diagnosis and I wish the same for your wife (and you by proxy my friend).

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Mar 12Liked by Alexander J. Porter

This was a little golden retriever moment.

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You're sunshine in human form and I don't care who knows it <3

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It's Red Letter day for sure! Several golden retriever moments...this one is in the top five!

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Nothing better than spotting a Golden Retriever moment among the chaos. I hope you find many of them!!! ✨✨✨

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May 4Liked by Alexander J. Porter

There are few things sweeter than Golden Retrievers. You inspire with you sunshine carried within.

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Golden Retrievers (and what they represent) are the BEST. Hope you have many 'Golden Retriever' moments this week, month and year.

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May 4Liked by Alexander J. Porter

This was lovely.

Your golden retriever moments are my peaceful-sleeping toddler moments <3

Cheers to your good health, too!

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Peaceful-sleeping toddler moments sound serene AF. You've made my day.

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Apr 18Liked by Alexander J. Porter

The power of those golden retriever moments are extraordinary. There’s a stockpile tucked in a corner of my mind and whenever I pull one of those moments out (it usually is an actual dog), it feels secretive because nobody can see what I’m seeing or think what I’m thinking. It’s mine. It’s my moment. And this shit-eating-grin on my face that came out of nowhere probably confuses the heck out of people and I love it.

Great post. Congrats on remission 🎉

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Thank you! It's been a journey from then to now, but the right golden retriever moment keeps me on track.

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Mar 12Liked by Alexander J. Porter


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We're out here doing our best after adversity. I know you feel that too!

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Mar 12Liked by Alexander J. Porter

That makes sense. I've had a tendency to discount the small happiness-inducing events by being inwardly sarcastic, thinking 'praise be! that's the first good thing that's happened today tsk' instead of enjoying it (I like dogs but balk at them trying to lick my mouth 😉)

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Sounds like you've got a keen eye for Golden Retriever moments already, Mark. I hope this day, week, month and year is full of 'em for you.

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Mar 12Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Some Internet posts can also be Golden retriever moments.

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If you're saying THIS internet post might qualify then I will adore you. Just sayin'...

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Mar 12Liked by Alexander J. Porter


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I'd say those emojis look pretty happy! What's something in your day today that qualifies as a Golden Retriever moment? 😊

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Mar 12Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Two things I can think of right now: bright colors and cold weather. Those are my "golden retrievers."

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Love it!!! I'm ready for some cold weather. It's been hot as balls in Australia for aaaaages. Bring on the chunky knit sweaters. BRING THEM ON.

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