Jan 30Liked by Alexander J. Porter

This was needed today, perfect timing for where my mental state has been the last day or two.

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I'm glad to hear it! Is 2024 feeling like a bit of an uphill challenge so far for you? Or has it just been one of "those" types of weeks? :)

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Jan 30Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Just been one of those weeks thank goodness. Otherwise rather excited about the possibilities this year has to offer.

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Love it. Ain't no stopping you - no way, no how. Also, it's been like seven years since Salem! Time moves faster than a squirrel on crack.

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Jan 30Liked by Alexander J. Porter

This is so true and to be honest I think it has been over 8 and you know what they say if a friendship lasts more than 7 years you're stuck with them for life or something like that haha.

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Sounds like we'll have to do a Salem reunion one day :P

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Jan 30Liked by Alexander J. Porter

I would love that or you can come explore Atlanta and we'll go see whale sharks.

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LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Everything happens for a reason. Today's reason: I needed to laugh so hard it woke the house. Thank you for this fire.

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Haha, I hope your day is filled with as few dumpster fires as possible, Melanie 😂

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Feb 1Liked by Alexander J. Porter

I’ll join your cult. (That was the point of this piece, right?)

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The one and only goal. We meet up every second Thursday. White robes and LSD are provided if you don't have any.

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Feb 2Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Great! I’ll bring the kool-aid.

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Jan 30·edited Jan 30Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Keeping things in perspective always helps. This is great advice and we must remember that.

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Everything is in a state of flux. That means change is always around the corner!

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Jan 30Liked by Alexander J. Porter

You better believe it!

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deletedFeb 3Liked by Alexander J. Porter
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You're an absolute TREASURE for saying such niceness.

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deletedFeb 3Liked by Alexander J. Porter
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Thank you! You're an absolute treasure and I don't care who knows it. Subscribed to you to get your insights on growing!!!

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