Aug 20Liked by Alexander J. Porter

But an unshakeable desire to go back and “do it over” becomes corrosive. It strips the meaning and joy from existence, like sulphuric acid dissolving steel.

— reminds me of The Great Gatsby. At the end, Nick says you can’t repeat the past (and get a better outcome. Gatsby says, “Why of course you can!” Didn’t go so well for him.

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That Gatsby plagiarised me... 99 years before I came up with the idea!!!

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Aug 20Liked by Alexander J. Porter

You rock, AP of NWP! Is there an Emmy for truly cringey graphics? You hit this one of the park!!! I bought a German performance car that does 0 to 60 in 3.2 seconds as my f*ck you cancer car. It felt great! No waiting around to be catfished for me (would be a lonnnnnggggg wait!).

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A terrible graphic is a great graphic, that's my worldview 😊

Also, small world that you actually DO have a high-performance German car, haha.

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Aug 20Liked by Alexander J. Porter

*standing ovation* 👏

This has got to be my favorite NWP edition YET. Absolutely thrilled that the United Stated are not in the know of Corners- with our obesity rates- let’s try to keep it that way.

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That's high praise!!! 😊

I think the only right thing to do from here is for you to take Corners to the world.

Maybe buy a couple of helmets, just in case.

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Aug 21Liked by Alexander J. Porter

I assume the smoke in the Amsterdam photo was from a birthday candle wish?

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Yes. I wished to cough violently for 30 seconds and it came true!

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Aug 20Liked by Alexander J. Porter

I'm pleased that you are a cancer survivor and that your journey has helped turn you into the brilliant storyteller you are! You have a gift.

My life is same, same, but quite the opposite. I was the little kid who always thought negative thoughts and skipped the prom because I didn't have a date for fear of rejection. But, where you failed to grasp the opportunity to go to Amsterdam, to my parents' shock, I found myself on a plane to Norway three days after high school graduation. It's their fault, a one-way ticket to Norway was a high school graduation present my brothers and I had been offered when we were kids. I saved up for my gap year and once overseas, I stretched that into four decades. Here's what you may have missed if you'd accepted the trip to Amsterdam:

- being a perpetual student in a country with free education (I don't know if it's free in the Netherlands, but it was in Norway)

- help the country revise its definition of "minimum existence level" after the police revoke 2/3 of your work permit and you have a disposable income of 50 cents / day

- dropping out after six years with an unfinished Master's degree

- working as a ticket taker in a movie theatre and then taking a pay cut so you could be a hotel security guard

- living your thirties in celibacy because you wanted to pay off the mortgage in the house you no longer lived in before you got involved with women again

- finding the love of your life on an online dating program in Copenhagen (OK, this might be tricky today, but back then there was only 11 people on the internet in Denmark and luckily one of them turned out to be the love of my life.)

Long story short, I understand your regrets. It's why I always tell people to say yes if they have the chance to travel halfway around the world when they're 18... because if they wait until they're 20 it will be too late!

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Paul, you've got one HELL of a story!!! And that's what life is all about 😊

Did you ever finish the Master's degree???

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Aug 21Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Thanks! No, I didn’t.

I was studying organizational psychology. My thesis was on how study habits influenced grades. Followed an engineering class for a year and then crunched numbers on every variable imaginable.

The only statistically significant thing we found was… time. The more people spent studying, the better the grades. My mentor wanted me to spend four years gathering more data.

He said I couldn’t leave when I was so close to getting my diploma. I said, “Watch me.”, and he watched.

So, I became a ticket taker in a theatre and then a hotel security guard. The hotel part of was a regional chain owned by Scandinavian Airlines. Thirty years later we had become Radisson Hotel Group and I was VP Global Safety and Security.

Didn’t really have time to finish my Master’s…

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Man, that is cool as shit.

That right there is why you have to do life your way, not someone else's and certainly not the conventional "right" way.

So damn cool.

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Aug 20Liked by Alexander J. Porter

dude idk how you did it but you're somehow doing better numbers on here than some of your quora answers. and that's insane considering the 5 digit following u have on there. keep up the good work man

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Man, Quora loved me in 2018 and 2019 and pretty much never since. It is what it is. We continue growing the personal brand wherever and whenever. Really enjoying your changing stuff too - from the high school stuff to the real world challenges, it's been a wicked arc to follow.

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Aug 20Liked by Alexander J. Porter

I say "YES" to all the points you made above.

And I'll say "NO" to blowing out your birthday candles near a curtain!

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Birthday cake candle curtain fires are one of the nation's silent killers (of fabric).

Stay safe out there!!!

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I love your humor alex, very smart and witty! and please feel free to think dirty thoughts about me. now that i presume you have more time than when your mum was hanging the laundry🙃

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