Apr 16Liked by Alexander J. Porter

I’ll let my single friends know about your super power!!!

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Haha, let me know how that goes 😂

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Aug 1Liked by Alexander J. Porter

You are incredibly funny, but please keep your distance from me! I've been married twice and I am NOT going for that third strike! 😜

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I can't control this power!!! Keep a 500-foot perimeter, just in case 😂

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Aug 1Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Duly noted, Alexander. 😂

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Jun 16Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Never thought I'd read something like this. I've written about magical semen(fiction, let's be clear) before but this is a first 😅 I might use this concept at some point 🤣 Oh and magical penises is actually a trope. I think that movie is familiar btw but I rarely remember the movies I've watched.

Well, if that's something you want, I hope you'll soon find the one who will realise her next best guy is actually you.

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It's a trope?! Here I was thinking this blessing/curse was unique to me, haha.

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Jun 16Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Well, your case is the first I'm seeing of this particular quality! 😂

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Apr 17Liked by Alexander J. Porter

What a first post to get as a fresh subscriber! haha

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You could get a touch of the curse by proxy. Stay alert, Elliott.

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Apr 16Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Perhaps your exs felt that they’d known the best so they just settled for the next guy that showed up.


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Well this is just too bloody lovely of a sentiment. I'll take it. I'll take all of it.

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Apr 16Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Lol!! Love it.

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It's a blessing and a curse :P

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Try the polyamory world - half of us already married and hubbys perfectly fine with us having partners and they have too - might confuse the brain / penis though 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Wonder if you can monetize this superpower somehow. "For a low price of 100 dollars get yourself a dose of the Magical dong and find yourself a soulmate in next 7 days"

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