What Can ‘New World Porter’ Do For You?

Great question, I’m glad I made you ask.

‘New World Porter’ is your weekly source of practical tips for living a better life with a heavy dose of humour from the perspective of a cancer survivor.

But, like, not a sad cancer survivor. I managed to thrash leukemia back into remission with nothing but a few scars, a nurse fetish, and crippling health anxiety.

I’d say that’s a win (or at least a draw).

Most importantly, my dance with cancer taught me that a). Life is unbelievably precious and b). Life doesn’t always play fair.

When you learn those two things, you find the freedom to think, act and do things on your terms - not because of what society or other people tell you. So that’s what I’m here for, to remind you to grasp life by its nutsack and live the best damn one you can*

*Best life, not best nutsack.

‘New World Porter’ in a nutshell:

  • A weekly newsletter straight from my brain to your inbox: Life advice, humorous observations, perspective shifts - get ready for an email you’ll actually enjoy reading.

  • Video content, baby: Not to be confused with video content of babies. Reading is so 20th century. From time to time, you’ll get video content of me, filmed on the best most affordable equipment money can buy.

I’ll be letting it all out in each email (sort of like I am in the picture below, only in a more metaphorical sense) and you’re invited to the party.

Grab a chair, pour yourself a glass of whatever you like, and let’s make sense of this New World Porter together.

Not sponsored by VB… but I wish I was.

Subscribe now, and promise I’ll give you a new way to think about your life and something to chuckle about (or at least lightly exhale through your nose about).

Bold claim? I’ll prove it to you.

Sign up now so you don’t miss a single minute of the good stuff.

The best part? It’s 100% free.

Let’s be honest, life is expensive enough already.

A weekly email shouldn’t cost you a thing.

Subscribe for $0 and never miss a thought—just leave your email to get every new post sent directly to your inbox.

Nestled comfortably between cringe spam messages from businesses and emails from your ex that you can’t bring yourself to delete - that’s where I’ll be.

Subscribe to New World Porter

Humour and life advice (that doesn't suck) from a leukemia survivor. Grab a fresh perspective with none of the chemo. If your star sign is Cancer, we can't be friends.


I beat Leukemia and all I got was a nurse fetish, crippling anxiety and a weekly newsletter. Could have been worse, I guess. ✨