Aug 27Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Daily, during the six months before I graduated high school, my mother gave me daily reminders that because I didn't make my bed every day, I was too immature to embark on a gap year in Europe. She was right. I almost died of loneliness, homesickness, and because I left my entire worldly belongings on a bus to Fauske. But visions of her telling me "I told you so" if I gave up and went home, kept me overseas. In the end, my gap year lasted four decades and a week and included a basement-to-boardroom career at a global hotel company which led to speaking engagements at the UN and elsewhere.

My mom still doesn't believe I'm mature enough for anything, but she is proud of me!

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I'm equally as proud as your mom. I feel it. I'm a proud pseudo-parent.

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Aug 27Liked by Alexander J. Porter

I'm still stuck on the fact that your boss expected you to go run at 5AM. What the hell!

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I don't have the runner's mindset OR the boss anymore. So life is good, haha.

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Um can you plz share how the fuck I could do this: I make six figures as a sales copywriter by tapping the keyboard....... I need this in my life.

I also think we have a few people who can genuinely be your soul mate and some who have only one and some who ate truly lone wolves and that is so ok!!!

Learning those values is important. I really did not understand how important my partner loving the gym and having it be a part of them... was a big fucking deal for me lol

Fake confidence means you're a fake person.... God isn't this so fucking true. I faked confidence until I was 23. Fucking terrible lol.

@gemmajames talk about this exact thing of "finding your purpose/passion" she said the exact same thing as you!! And it's so fucking true!

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Haha, I started writing 500 word articles for $5 each about 10 years ago. It's been a process for sure. I say we all pool our money and buy lottery tickets instead. I have a good feeling about 7, 23, 13, 35 and 16.

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😂😂😂 I legit got a contract recently that was similar but was WAY less pay… I didn’t take it obvs.

Why no 8s?????

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Aug 27Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Sage and humorous advice. Thanks for the pick me up. I’ve been up since 4:00AM (no running involved), so I needed it.

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That's an early start, Nate! What are you doing up while the rest of the world snoozes?

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Aug 27Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Great job busting these myths. Especially looking for “the one.” Can you imagine if there were only the one for you, and they were born in Russia or something, so you would never meet? Tragic, but not true.

I’ll get up early and do some writing, but not running. I like runs with sunlight.

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I went to Russia once, and many of the women looked like tall models. Maybe I should have looked harder there...

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Sep 4Liked by Alexander J. Porter

I make my bed every damn day and I am STILL wildly inadequate as a human being. See? You’re absolutely right. It’s bullshit! 💩

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The system is broken! Also, I refuse to believe you're wildly inadequate!

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Sep 6Liked by Alexander J. Porter

It is! (Fucking communism)

You should see my try to not have a panic attack in a supermarket. You’ll change your mind! 😅

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Sep 1Liked by Alexander J. Porter

A lot of people who dish out all these pieces of advice don't even apply them when they find themselves in similar situations. For example, a friend once advised me to be patient in my marriage and forgive because God hates divorce and we should always forgive. I rejected her advice, we argued and didn't speak for weeks. Out of the blues on day, she called me and asked for information about the divorce process cos she needed to leave her husband. It was so hard to not be petty at that moment 😅. So I decided to be a decent human being and shared the information she needed rather than ask, "So, what happened to God hating divorce and forgiveness?" 😂

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Haha, well done on taking the high road. Many people wouldn't have!

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Aug 29Liked by Alexander J. Porter

I run, not at 5, not at 6, not at7, not at 8 nor at 9. I run when I damned well finish morning coffee!

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John, I like where your head is at and if you ever start a cult, sign me up (I'll bring the beans).

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Aug 30Liked by Alexander J. Porter



There is actually a cult (and you are now a member) Our perverse motto is simple:

"I Don't



or Join"

Meetings are the second Tuesday of every week, see you there!

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lmk what filthy thoughts you have about me

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Mitch, those thoughts are illegal in 17 States.

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Aug 28Liked by Alexander J. Porter

High five for Number 3. I’m polyamorous. I spent a significant amount of time before my wedding responding to questions about why I’m still going to be polyamorous after the wedding and how it is not cheating as we are both honest and that just because I do not believe my then fiancé is ‘the one’ does not mean I cannot marry them.

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There's no single way to be, love or exist.

A huge f*ck yeah for you doing it your way!!!

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Aug 27Liked by Alexander J. Porter

I know so many run with me at 5am guys and they were all douche bags. Also the part where you mentioned that they wanted photo proof? Cringe.

Anyhoo, I wanted to take a go at these.

What do you like doing with your time?

Driving or walking around until I feel like getting a drinky poo or a little snack. Maybe taking a nap, send some voice notes to friends where I laugh uncontrollably at my own story and then, well....hittin the hay.

What activities fill you with the most joy?

See above

What hobbies would you pursue on a spare weekend?

See above - above

JKJK. I did really love this one though. Thanks for putting it all together :)

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I see a career as an influencer, showing people where to drive and get drinky poos and snicky snacks. The marketing practically sells itself, haha.

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Holllllaaaaaaaaa! The REAL New World Porter is in da houzzzzz!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL So, good. So good. 😂😂😂

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New World Porteeeeeeeeer!!!

And thank you 😊😊😊

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Aug 27Liked by Alexander J. Porter

So good! 5am- nope! I do love your bright pink shoes tho! 😆

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Boring shoes are boring!

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Aug 27Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Goodness the air is thin up here, and crisp and gosh darnet I FEAL ALIIIIIIIVE. Avoiding the yellow snow spots aside, brilliant writing, excellent thoughts!!! Hell yes to life advice that isn’t one size fits all. 👏👏👏

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The trek to the mountain top is great for the calf muscles, so it's a real 2-for-1 benefit.

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Aug 27Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Walking in the park at night--for most nights of the week--is pure consistency.

Also, having read books since elementary school, I didn't have to wonder if I should open a bakery or become an astrophysicist!

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That's absolutely consistency and that's all it takes!

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Aug 27Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Loved this post, Alexander.

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Thank you! I so appreciate you taking the time to check it out!


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