May 14Liked by Alexander J. Porter

I love this post so much! I couldn’t sleep and so I got up and started reading this and thought… 1) how on earth does he come up with this stuff 2) where on earth is this going and 3) damn, he’s brilliant. It was funny, engaging and it absolutely got the point across and is certainly making me reflect (with a lot of gratitude) on my past and how it’s led me to where I am today. Time to get the journal out and do some writing of my own.. thank you ❤️

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Agree "how on earth does he come up with this stuff"? He won't tell us. He made it very clear that he doesn't know how his body works unless there is Tequilla. And I don't think this particular area here involves that :D

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Coming from you, that's the highest possible praise. ❤️

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May 14Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Now I’m stuck thinking about how a lightbulb actually works. I feel like I should know..but actually, I’m in the dark.

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Damn it, great word play. Take the rest of the day off, you earned it.

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May 14Liked by Alexander J. Porter

The stories we tell ourselves shape our lives.

Seems valid!

When I recall my shitty decisions and tell myself that I did learn an important lesson that day, life feels good.

But the moment I begin self-criticism, things go south pretty fast.

Thank you Alexander for sharing such crucial points through your journey!

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Thanks for the comment, Shiva! Sounds like you've already got a great relationship with your past self, which is good signs for your future self!

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May 14Liked by Alexander J. Porter

The opening of your post today cracked me up so much, I may be dead by the afternoon…

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Please don't die by the afternoon. I run on a combination of chocolate milk and validation in the comments section - I need you!

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May 24Liked by Alexander J. Porter

The way you let the world see you… a gift.

I don’t know if a book is your dream - but I HOPE that you keep writing forever in public places and receive the recognition from all the tribesmen this planet contains.

I need you to know that this was SO golden-after reading to myself I read it out loud to my husband and he said it’s gotta be the best thing he’s heard in a long time. I agreed, obviously.

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This is unbelievably kind and lovely and totally made my day. Genuinely, I'm going to make a voodoo doll of you and wish nice things upon it. You know what, I'll make one of your husband too.

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May 27Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Don't forget our son, too! ;)

We are all Porter stans.

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The little guy gets one for sure! Any pet voodoo dolls needed too? XD

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May 15Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Congratulations! You figured out something it took me about six decades to get to! Show off.

An actual flash of wisdom, without tequila.

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Are you sure we couldn't find a way to bring tequila into it somewhere? (I'll bring the bottle).

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Alex, you are just killing it again! This is such a genius combination of hilarious storytelling and reflective inspiration.

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Haha, thank you so much! Your kind comments are an absolute highlight of the day, I can't lie!

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May 14Liked by Alexander J. Porter

Excellent read. Thankyou! ❤️

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Thank you! Also, I was listening to Marvin Gaye's 'Sexual Healing' earlier. That comment will look strange to anyone else, haha. But you know it was the soundtrack to the fastest pokie openers in the business. 😉

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