Sitemap - 2024 - New World Porter

Help! I've Accidentally Built a Sexual Connection with My Uber Eats Driver

15 Lessons In 15 Years of Remission: Best Life Rules You've Never Heard (+ Video)

I Beat Leukemia and All I Got Was This Life-Changing Happiness Secret (Try It: No Cancer Required)

5 Common Pieces Of "Life Advice" Only Idiots Follow (Upgrades Inside +)

My Life's 3 Most Painful Mistakes (Follow This Blueprint to Avoid Wasting 20+ Years of Your Life Like I Did)

Three Things I've Happily Retired From at Age 35 (That Made My Life 35x Better)

My 3-Minute Life Advice Was Rated "1 Out of 5" By Some Random Weirdo On The Internet

3 "Grown Up" Things People Pretend Are Awesome But Are Literally Worse Than Cancer

I Learned Two Things In The Sauna That Will Remove The Friction From Your Life (a.k.a The Leather Man Saga)

Sorry, You're Probably Going to Die On Your Birthday (But I Can Save Your Life)

I'll Share The Most Embarrassing Moment of My Life... If You Promise To Tell EVERYONE

A Cancer Survivor's 5 Unspoken Rules For a Binge-Worthy Life

Take This Scarily Accurate Personality Quiz to Find Out If You're a Good Person or Trash On Legs

Are You Hated, Ignored or Loved? (I Guarantee You're Thinking of the Wrong Answer)

A Dog Took a Steaming Dump on My 7-Year Dream (So I Killed Them)

It Took Me 10,957 Days To Learn a Universal Truth...There's NO ONE Coming To Save You From Yourself

I Traded 5 Months of Humiliation For a Life-Changing Lesson About Success (& You Can Have It)

Bad News...You Die in 10,000 BCE (How to Make Regret Your B*tch)

Want a Better Life? Stop Doing These 5 Dumb Things Immediately

My Mum Told Me I Was a Loser For My 16th Birthday (I'm Glad She Did)

My Parents Refused to Make Me Successful (And Am I Gay?)

My Penis Is Cupid’s Arrow and I Don’t Know What to Do About It

A Short Story About Murderous Crabs to Help You Get More Joy From Life

Happy Easter From New World Porter

The Terrible Song I Picked for My Funeral Can Help You Become a Black Belt at Decision-Making

An Open Letter of Disgust to My Oncologist: Where the F*ck Are My Superpowers?!

Cancer, Golden Retrievers and How I Unlocked The Secret to Happiness

How to Immediately Quit Your Boring Life (Using The Thumbtack Method)

A Nut Squeeze From a Male Nurse Helped Me Understand Personal Growth (It'll Work for You Too)

Trust Your Gut: Why Your Choices Only Need to Make Sense to You

Here's Why You Should Set and Then Celebrate the Shit Out of Small Goals

4 Things to Stop Doing in 2024 (That Will Make Your Life Seriously Better)

Is 2024 Going to Be a Dumpster Fire? 3 Thoughts to Keep You in Your Happy Place

How I Went From Dying of Cancer to Launching 'New World Porter'